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Thursday 19th September 2019

'Tests Make Good Architects'

Sheffield Technology Parks - Arundel Street

Sam Burns

September's meet-up saw Sam Burns return with his talk Tests Make Good Architects.

This talk looked at the positive impacts that automated tests can have on architecture. Unit testing in PHPUnit or PhpSpec, as well as behavioural testing using tools like Behat, have a noticeable effect on software architecture. Tested (or testable) code is often easier to work with, cleaner, and has architectural advantages. Sam spoke about some of the impacts that a good test suite can have on your application’s architecture, and how to let your tests be your architect.

Sam Burns

Sam Burns is a software engineer at Inviqa. He has a keen interest in test automation, software architecture and agile methodology. He is passionate about software quality, and is an enthusiastic advocate of Behat and PhpSpec, and the role of test automation in driving development.

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